SAVE Time And Money
With This Irresistible
Early Bird savings
FOR OUR Mom and Dad’s bEST CUSTOMERS Only…
Are you finding life a little busier again now that us kids are getting geared up to be heading back to school?
Sure, we will be out of the house soon but then there will be all the busy mornings, helping us with our homework, our after school activities we will need taken to …and lots, lots more!
Even if you don’t have school age kids like us in your home – it’s always good to save TIME? And, no matter who you are, I’m sure you are happy anytime you can save MONEY …but I’ll get back to that in a minute.
I’m sure by now you don’t need to hear why it’s a good idea for everyone to take proper care of their indoor environment. My mom says that regular cleaning of your carpeting, furniture, area rugs and duct work is not only a great idea to help make them last longer, but it can reeeaallyy help you keep it healthy indoors for your family. That’s why our parents chose the NATURAL™ process only available by ChemDry when they started their company.
Now, stop and think about this for a minute… even if your home doesn’t look dirty, if it’s been longer than six months since your last cleaning, your carpet and upholstery has trapped all kinds of dirt, allergens and other icky stuff that you can’t see. But I don’t want you to mistakenly think that’s a bad thing!! You see if those items didn’t “trap” all of that junk that is brought into your home everyday then they would be floating around in your air and getting into you and your family’s lungs … eeewww !
Our folks say that by the time things start to look dirty, damage to the fibers is already setting in….not to mention the fact that their “trapping” ability is all filled up… then all those particles will start to get free back into your home.
So, if it’s time for you to freshen up your home, our folks put together something that will shave time off your planning and budgeting – but with savings like these my mom said the schedule is going to fill up really fast and you may miss out.

What’s My Simple Plan To Save You
TIME and MONEY This Month?
I told mom and dad, “why not offer your Back To School saving to your best customers a little earlier than everyone else?” …I’m a pretty smart cookie aren’t I J
Well they thought so too. So all you have to do is pick up the phone, call my folks and say “I want to save time and money with your EARLY BIRD back to school offer.”
Then you don’t have anything else to worry about… their great staff will show up at a time handy for your schedule and take care of everything. You can take care of getting your kids all ready for school and when you come home your carpet and / or upholstery will be healthy, beautiful and sparkling clean. NO HASSLE and NO TIME OUT OF YOUR DAY!!
And did I mention the SAVINGS?
If you call and request this offer BEFORE October 30, 2010 at 5:01 p.m. you will get:
One Room Free with Four Cleaned
(for you all it means is that the more you clean the more you save… how cool is that!)
But hurry. Everyone is always so excited about our parents Back To School offers that the schedule fills up FAST!Best wishes, Parker
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