What is the difference between Chem-Dry and Steam Cleaning?
1. Chem-Dry is guaranteed to clean better and be 90% drier than a steam-type cleaning.
2. Chem-Dry is guaranteed not to void your warranty on your stain-resistant carpet (steam or self-cleaning does void your warranty)
3. Chem-Dry is healthier -- safe for children, pets, people with asthma or allergies. It is rated by the FDA as a 1 on its toxicity scale of 1-5: Edible. (Though you might not want to taste it--I've actually seen one of our trainers take a sip!)
4. We do not get your pad wet. We clean the carpet. You cannot clean the pad under the carpet. With steam cleaning getting the pad wet, they are making mud in the pad. Then when someone steps on the carpet, the dirty water will squish back up into the carpet. Voila! Your stains are back. So with Chem-Dry, you can walk on the carpet right away because nothing is going to squish up.
5. Chem-Dry uses only trained technicians, no subcontractors. We have a 5-star training program which takes 2 years minimum to complete.
6. Our cleaning solutions are unique and protected secrets -- we do not use laundry detergent or harsh chemicals designed for other purposes. The Natural (r) is our patented carbonating cleaner which uses the power of chemistry and carbonated gas bubbles to gently lift the dirt from your carpet without using gallons of water or soap.
7. There is no sticky residue left behind to attract dirt again -- so you don't need to clean as often.

8. We offer the absolute best pet urine removal with our patented Pet Urine Removal Treatment. We find the spots with a black light (think CSI) and then can apply the treatment to the exact spots it is needed. It begins to work immediately, awakening and then killing the urine bacteria. Within 24-48 hours, the urine smell is gone.
9. We adhere to the highest standards in our business practices. No bait and switch, no fly-by-night rip-offs.
See for yourself what some of those low-priced coupons really entail: http://www.cbs2.com/video.
Then call us for a real quote for excellent service with a company that stands behind its service.
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